" Input: { (data_uoa) or (alias) - force name of CK entry to store description of this machine (if empty, suggest automatically) (host_os) - host OS (detect, if omitted) (target_os) - OS module to check (if omitted, analyze host) (device_id) - device id if remote (such as adb) (use_host) - if 'yes', configure host as target (type) or (access_type) - access type to the machine: "android" "mingw" "wa_android" "wa_linux" "ck_node" "ssh" "rpc" "avro" "cluster" "quantum" Extra options per access type: * avro: avro_config - full path to JSON configuration file * cluster: cluster_config - full path to JSON configuration file or config_file * quantum: access_key - full path to access key file if needed - will be available via env CK_QCK_ACCESS_KEY_FILE user_login - user login if needed - will be available via env CK_QCK_ACCESS_LOGIN user_password - user password if needed - will be available via env CK_QCK_ACCESS_PASSWORD (share) - if 'yes', share public info about platform with the community via cknowledge.org/repo } Output: { return - return code = 0, if successful > 0, if error (error) - error text if return > 0 } "